
构成要件符合性与客观处罚条件的判断 被引量:62

The Identification of the Elements of the Offense and the Objective Punishment Conditions
摘要 客观处罚条件与不法构成要件要素具有排斥关系。在判断后者的类型性特征时需借助客观归责理论。构成要件结果必须是构成要件行为类型性危险的相当性实现。基于此,丢失枪支不报罪中的"严重后果"属于客观处罚条件。在判断不法构成要件要素的违法性特征时,需考察该要素是否为构成要件行为的违法性提供实质根据。依此衡量,"情节严重"中的"严重"、"多次盗窃"中的"多次"、侵犯著作权罪中的"违法所得数额较大"等均是客观处罚条件。积极的客观处罚条件增加需罚性,消极的客观处罚条件减少需罚性,二者均具有限制处罚的机能,不会冲击责任主义。 Elements of the offense and the objective punishment conditions are mutually exclusive. The elements of the offense have the feature of categorization and that of substantial wrongfulness. The determination of the feature of categorization relies on the theory of objective attribution. In short, the act's categorized danger leads to the consequences of offense. When it comes to the identification of substantial wrongfulness, it is necessary to examine whether a certain element provides substantial basis for the wrongfulness of the act in question. In this sense, the "aggravating" in "aggravating circumstances" is the appraisal element of the degree of wrongfulness, the " multiple" in " multiple larcenies" is the statistic element of the wrongfulness, and "the substantial amount of illegal proceeds" in copyright infringement is just an indirect symbol to represent the degree of wrongfulness. All of them belong to objective punishment conditions. When the legislature sets the objective punishment conditions as the conditions of pursuing criminal liabilities, the objective punishment conditions become an element of the offense in the sense of pursuing criminal liabilities. And when the legislature sets the objective punishment conditions as the conditions of establishing defenses, then the objective punishment conditions become an excuse for exculpation. In this sense, paragraph six of Article 241, paragraph four of Article 201 and the "refuse to return" in Article 270 all belong to passive objective punishment conditions. Wrongfulness and culpability only indicate punishability, while objective punishment conditions deal with the necessity of punishment. Since they tend to restrain the operation of punishment, objective punishment conditions will not challenge the doctrine of culpability.
作者 柏浪涛
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期131-146,共16页 Chinese Journal of Law
关键词 不法构成要件要素 客观处罚条件 客观归责 责任主义 elements of the offense, objective punishment condition, objective attribution, doctrine of culpability
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