基于同步旋转d,q坐标系的i_d-i_q谐波检测算法是有源电力滤波器(APF)中常用的谐波检测方法。该方法由于数字低通滤波器(LPF)的存在,响应速度受到限制。为结合i_d-i_q谐波检测算法与快速傅里叶变换(FFT)谐波检测算法的优点,克服各自的不足,提出在同步旋转d,q坐标系中用FFT代替数字LPF。该方法既可避免LPF设计这一难题,又可提高响应速度,且计算量控制在工程应用允许的范围内。仿真结果证明,该方法能将响应时间缩短到半个工频周期,改善了i_d-i_q谐波检测算法的实时性。最后将该算法运用在一套60 A APF系统中进行实验,验证了该谐波检测算法的准确性。
id-iq algorithm for harmonic current detection based on the d,q synchronously rotating reference frame is frequently applied by active power fiher(APF).However,the response time of this method is relatively long because of the digital low pass fihers(LPFs).To combine the advantages of id-iq algorithm and fast Fourier transform(FFT) harmonic detection method and overcome their disadvantages, this paper proposes a method in which digital LPFs are replaced by FFT.This method can avoid the design of LPF,which is a very demanding task,and can improve the response speed.And the amount of calculation is acceptable for engineering application.System simulation show that this method can shorten the response time to half of the primitive period, improving the real-time performance of id-iq algorithm.
Power Electronics