鉴于我国现实情况,对H-T模型的基本假设进行修定,采用动态递归方法从理论上推导了城乡劳动力流动、城镇就业与城乡居民实际收入差距的相互均衡关系,并从动态内生系统的角度建立Panel Data的联立方程模型,采用似无关(SURE)方法实证研究三者之间的直接和间接影响。研究发现:城乡劳动力流动缩小了城乡收入差距,而城乡差距的缩小也促进了城乡劳动力流动,两者形成良性互动;城乡差距加剧了城镇失业,城镇失业也扩大了城乡差距,两者存在恶性循环;城乡劳动力流动和城镇失业相互之间均具有很微小的且不显著的促进作用。
Combining with the actual situation in China, the paper fixes the basic assumptions on Harris-Todaro model to prove the mutual equilibrium relationships between urban-rural labor mobility, urban employment and urban-rural actual income gap theoretically by using dynamic programming, and studies the direct and indirect effects between the three empirically by establishing the panel data simultaneous model from the angle of dynamic endogenous system and using SURE method, we find that: urban-rural labor mobility narrows urban-rural income gap, in tum, the gap reduction can promotes urban-rural labor mobility, both exist benign interaction; the gap aggravates urban unemployment, urban unemployment wides the gap, both exist vicious cycle; urban-rural labor mobility and urban unemployment has very little and not significant stimulative effects between each other. Finally, the empirical results are still explained.
Economy and Management