
集合不足视觉训练回顾性分析研究 被引量:6

Retrospective study of the effectiveness of vision therapy for patients with convergence insufficiency
摘要 目的回顾性分析集合不足患者的症状和体征情况以及治疗的效果评价。方法采用回顾性分析的方法,收集2010年10月到2011年2月天津市眼科医院视光中心接诊的集合不足患者33例,其中男性18例,女性15例,年龄8。33岁,平均(14.12±5.77)岁。所有患者眼科检查均排除眼科疾病,矫正视力≥1.0。所有患者进行视疲劳主观问卷调查、双眼视功能检查和散瞳验光,确诊为集合不足,并进行视觉训练。采用描述性研究及配对t检验进行统计学分析。结果集合不足患者屈光度范围为-6.88-+0.50D,均数为(-2.87±2.13)D,其中高度近视5例(15.2%),中度近视例11(33.3%),轻度近视13例(39.4%),4例(12.1%)为正视。症状问卷得分至16分者为20例(60.6%),平均得分为(21.13±10.81)。远处隐斜位平均值为外隐斜-4^△,近处外隐为-11.7^△,远近隐斜差值为7.7^△。10例(30.3%)患者无立体视,23例(69.7%)有立体视。计算性AC/A平均值为2.85^△/D。15例(45.5%)患者正相对调节(PRA)≤1.50D,11例(33.3%)患者负相对调节≤1.50D。所有患者进行视觉训练,训练后有2例患者失访。23例(74.2%)患者在训练后3个月内症状明显缓解,问卷得分均〈16。比较视觉训练前后的体征变化发现,患者眼位能控制在正常范围,看远眼位为外隐斜-1.7^△,看近眼位为外隐斜-3.48^△,远近差值明显减小,为1.59^△,差异有统计学意义(t=-3.708、P=0.001,t=-8.154、P=0.000,t=-6.868、P=0.000)。无立体视的患者中有5例(50%)恢复了立体视。AC/A(t=-7.821,P=0.000)、正相对调节(t=5.639,P=0.000)、负相对调节(t=-2.449,P=0.020)明显改善。结论集合不足患者屈光度范围集中在轻中度近视。视觉训练后患者控制眼位能力明显提高� Objective To study the distribution of the symptoms and signs of patients with convergence insufficiency and to evaluate the effectiveness of vision therapy. Methods Thirty-three patients aged 8 to 33 years were recruited in our optical center from October 2010 to November 2011. Eiteen of them were male, the other 15 were female. All patients had routine eye examinations to excluding eye disease. Based on the results of binocular vision examination and refraction with phoropter, all patients were diagnosed as convergence insufficiency and personalized vision therapy was performed. All data were statistically analyzed by descriptive approach, Paired-samples t Test. The refraction range of patients was -6.88-+0.50D, the mean was (-2.87±2.13)D, 5 (15.2%) of them was high myopia, 11 (33.3%) moderate myopia, 13 (39.4%) mild myopia and 4 (12.1%) emmetropia. The score of questionnaire more than or equal 16 accounted for 20 (60.6%), the meanwas 21.13±10.81. The far exophoria was -4^△, the near exophoria was -11.7^△, and the difference was 7.7% There were 10 (30.3%) patients without stereo vision. The calculated AC/A ratio was 2.85△/D. Positive relative accommodation (PRA) less than 1.50D accounted for 15 (45.5%) and negative relative accommodation (NRA) less than 1.50D accounted for 11 (33.3%). After 3 months vision therapy, 2 patients was lost because of their phone call changed, 23 (74.2%) patients' symptoms was relieved (χ^2=6.515, P =0.011). After vision therapy the far exophoria was reduced to-1.7^△ (t =-3.708, P =0.001), the near exophoria was reduced to -3.48a (t =-8.154, P =0.000), and the difference was reduced to 1.59^△ (t=-6.868, P =0.000). The calculated AC/A ratio (t =-7.821, P =0.000), PRA (t = 5.639, P =0.000) and NRA (t =-2.449, P =0.020) was improved. Conclusions The majority of patients are moderate and mild myopia. The ability to control the position of eye is improved, and half of patients without stereo visio
机构地区 天津市眼科医院
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1292-1295,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 集合不足 视觉训练 双眼视 Convergence insufficiency Vision therapy, Binocular vision
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