PRRSV易引起基因变异现象,使得异地疫苗不能有效地控制本地区PRRS的发生。为研制适合本地区的亚单位疫苗,试验参照GeneBank中已发表的PRRSV序列设计了1对特异性引物,对吉林分离株JL-0605对GP5基因进行了序列扩增和测序,序列分析结果表明,PRRSV JL-0605株GP5氨基酸序列与CH-1α和HEB1株氨基酸序列高度一致,而与VR-2332和BJ-4株有一定的差异,和LV株在N端及中心区具有很大的差异,JL-0605株GP5蛋白抗原性及亲水性与中国河北株具有较高的相似性;与VR-2332株相比,30~40位氨基酸处抗原表位形态发生较大变化,在135~145位氨基酸处抗原表位优势增强现象。
PRRSV can lead to gene variation easily,and different vaccine can not stop the outbreak of PRRS in native place effectively.In order to study and find appropriate subunit vaccine for native place,experiment used specific primers which were designed according to the PRRSV sequence published by Genebank,and amplified and sequenced the DNA of major structural proteins GP5 of isolate plant JL-0605 existing in Jilin Province.The results showed that GP5 amino acid sequence of plant PRRSV JL-0605 has the same height with plant CH-1α and plant HEB1,but a little different with plant VR-2332 and plant BJ-4,especially with plant LV in the protein N and middle.The antigenicity and hydrophile of protein GP5,plant JL-0605 are much similar with the plant from Hebei Province,China.But compared with plant VR-2332,its Epitope morphology in amino acids sequence 30 to 40 has changed a lot,and enlarged its Epitope dominance in amino acids sequence 135 to 145.
Agricultural Science Journal of Yanbian University