
沉没成本、节俭消费观和控制动机对积极消费行为影响效应研究 被引量:15

The Study of the Effects of Sunk Cost,Thrift Value and Controlled Motivation on Active Consumption Behavior
摘要 消费者行为研究一直关注消费者购前的行为(产品评价和决策制定)或者消费后的行为(质量感知、产品表现、满意和品牌忠诚),很少有学者关注消费行为本身(消费者如何进行消费)。本文从消费行为的积极方面入手,以积极消费行为为因变量,探讨哪些因素对积极消费行为有影响。通过实证调研,本文发现,沉没成本、节俭消费观、控制动机均对积极消费行为影响显著,沉没成本与节俭消费观对积极消费行为的交互效应不显著,沉没成本与控制动机对积极消费行为的交互效应显著。最后,本文给出了研究意义及未来研究方向。 In consumer behavior field, there are three phases: pre- purchase choice phase, product consumption phase and post-con- sumption phase. In prepurchase choice phase and postconsumption phase, consumers always evaluate. In prepurchase choice phase, consumers evaluate advantages and weaknesses of alternatives ac- cording to gained information and stored cues in their brains. In postconsumption phase, consumers evaluate products' performance. However, products' value can't be attained in these two phases, and can be attained in product consumption phase. Today, marketers and researchers do not pay much attention to the product consumption phase. Before the consumption phase, they have paid a great deal of attention to the product acquisition, information process, attitude toward the product, and the purchase intention. After the consump- tion phase, they have focused on satisfaction, complaining behavior, word-of-mouth communication intention, and recommendation intention. In the consumption phase, how do consumers consume their products has been paid less attention. This research acknowl- edged the importance of postconsumption phase and consumption, and wanted to examine the active consumption behavior. Through exploratory study, the paper found some factors which were im- portant variables influencing active consumption behavior. These factors included sunk cost, thrift value and controlled motivation. Integrating different literatures, the article presented the conceptual framework. In the conceptual framework, the study described how these three antecedent variables impacted active consumption be- havior. In order to examine the relationship between variables, the study did the empirical research. In empirical research, the study investigated 300 samples, and received 287 valid questionnaires. Through analysis, the presem study found sunk cost, thrift value, and controlled motivation were factors positively significant. The interaction effect of sunk cost and thrift value on the active con- sumption beha
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期114-128,151,共16页 Nankai Business Review
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(12YJC630239) 国家自然科学基金项目(71072101)资助
关键词 沉没成本 节俭消费观 控制动机 积极消费行为 Sunk Cost Thrift Value Controlled Motivation Ac- tive Consumption Behavior
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