
0.1%雷夫奴尔冷湿敷治疗新生儿尿布皮炎临床疗效观察 被引量:1

Observation on Clinical Curative Effect of 0.1% Ethacridine Lactate Cold Compresses in the Treatment of Neonatal Diaper Dermatitis
摘要 目的探讨0.1%雷夫奴尔治疗新生儿尿布皮炎的临床疗效。方法将2010年7月—2011年7月我院皮肤科收治的127例尿布皮炎患儿随机分配到治疗组(65例)和对照组(62例),治疗组应用0.1%雷夫奴尔冷湿敷患处,对照组应用红霉素软膏涂擦患处,根据皮肤恢复情况对其临床疗效进行分析。结果治疗组治愈时间明显缩短,用药2 d内,48例患儿红斑变淡、糜烂面积明显缩小;治疗2~3 d,18例患儿臀部潮红面积缩小,皮损处表面干燥;用药5 d,53例轻中度尿布皮炎患儿全部痊愈;用药7 d,65例患儿均痊愈。治疗组中显效47例,有效18例,无效0例。对照组治疗效果见效慢,治疗2 d内,12轻度尿布皮炎患儿红斑变淡;治疗3 d,17例患儿臀部潮红面积缩小,皮损处表面干燥;33例患儿治疗3 d后皮损处糜烂及渗出无明显改善。对照组中显效12例,有效17例,无效33例。两组患儿临床疗效比较,差异有统计学意义(u=7.089,P=0.000)。结论 0.1%雷夫奴尔冷湿敷治疗新生儿尿布皮炎,时间短,疗效优于红霉素软膏,经济实用,是治疗尿布皮炎的理想方法。 Objective To study the efficacy of 0. 1% ethacridine lactate in treating neonatal diaper dermatitis. Methods 127 cases of diaper dermatitis admitted to dermatological department of our hospital from July 2010 to July 2011 were randomly divided into treatment group (65 cases) and control group (62 cases) . The treatment group was given cold compresses with 0. 1% ethacridine lactate, while the control group was given erythromycin ointment. The clinical efficacy was analyzed according to skin recovery. Results The healing time of the treatment group was significantly shortened. Erythema and erosion of 48 cases were alleviated within two days of treatment. 18 cases had alleviated hip erythema and dry lesion surface at the second and third day of treatment. 53 cases of mild and moderate diaper dermatitis were cured after five days of treatment. 65 eases of diaper dermatitis were cured after seven days of treatment. In the treatment group, 47 cases were significantly improved, 18 cases were improved and no case was invalid. Patients in the control group showed efficacy much slower. Erythema of 12 cases was al- leviated within two days of treatment. 17 cases had alleviated hip erythema and dry lesion surface after three days of treatment. Erosion and effusion around the lesion in 33 cases were not significantly improved after three days of treatment. In the control group, 12 cases were significantly improved, 17 cases were improved and 33 cases were invalid. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant ( u = 7. 089, P = 0. 000) . Conclusion 0. 1% ethacridine lactate cold compress is better than erythromycin ointment in the treatment of neonatal diaper dermatitis with shorter treatment time. Being economical and practical, it is an ideal method in treating diaper dermatitis.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第30期3521-3522,共2页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 0.1%雷夫奴尔 红霉素 婴儿 新生 尿布疹 治疗结果 0. 1% Ethacridine lactate Erythromycin Infant, newborn Diaper rash Treatment outcome
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