本文在应用微分几何方法对感应电动机进行精确线性化解耦控制的基础上 ,对感应电动机采用锁相环速度控制 ,并用一种更适于电动机控制的采样 -保持鉴相器 ,由于直接建立了相差 Δθ与频率 f 的关系 ,使系统的动态特性及控制精度分析更精确 ,推导出了交流锁相调速系统的入锁条件 ;针对电动机参数的不确知性 ,采用一个渐近跟踪负载力矩和转子电阻实际值的非线性辨识算法 ,保证了速度和磁链调节的解耦控制 。
This paper presents an excellent speed control scheme for induction motor drives.First,nonlinear adaptive state feedback input output linearizing control is employed to realize the decoupling of regulation rotor speed and rotor flux amplitude,and to asymptotically track the true values of the load torque and rotor resistance.Then,a phase locked loop speed control system with a sample and hold phase detector is introduced to form a PLSC system.Because of direct relationship between the phase difference Δ θ and frequency f ,the analysis and control of PLSC system are much accurate and the condition for motor to enter into locking is educed.
Electric Drive
国家自然基金!(6 96 740 2 5 )