
饵料对日本乌贼幼体生长及成活率的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Different Diets on the Growth and Survival on the Sepiella japonica Larvae
摘要 对日本乌贼初孵幼体(胴长3.28±0.5 mm)投喂不同组合的开口的饵料(丰年虫、桡足类和蒙古裸腹溞);对不同规格(胴长9.7±0.3 mm和30.1±0.5 mm)日本乌贼幼体投喂不同饵料(糠虾、冰鲜小鲳鱼、配合饲料)进行饲养试验,以成活率、增重率、胴长等为指标进行分析对比。结果显示:日本乌贼初孵幼体成活率最高的开口饵料是蒙古裸腹溞+桡足类组(60.5%),依次为裸腹溞组、裸腹溞+丰年虫组、桡足类+丰年虫组、成活率分别为33.0%、26.5%、23.5%、而丰年虫组的成活率最低,14 d内全部死亡。蒙古裸腹溞+桡足类组的增重率最高(233.0%),依次为裸腹溞+丰年虫组(213.5%)、裸腹溞组(200.0%)、桡足类+丰年虫组(191.5%);而增长率最高的是蒙古裸腹溞+桡足类组(77.1%)依次为裸腹溞组(63.4%)、裸腹溞+丰年虫组(60.3%)、桡足类+丰年虫组(46.6%)。不同饵料组的乌贼幼体成活率均不同,糠虾组的乌贼幼体成活率最高,其次为小鲳鱼肉组,最低的为配合饲料组。各饵料组中,大规格乌贼幼体的成活率均高于小规格幼体而增重率和平均旬生长却均低于小规格幼体。增重率和平均旬生长最大的是小鲳鱼肉组,最低的是配合饲料组。由试验结果可知,蒙古裸腹溞和桡足类混合饵料是比较理想的日本乌贼初孵幼体开口饵料;胴长约为1 cm的日本乌贼,较为适宜的饵料是糠虾;当乌贼幼体胴长超过3 cm时,可逐渐添加冰鲜鱼肉进行过渡,以便同时兼顾存活率和生长效果。 To screen the optimum feed for newly hatched cuttlefish Sepiella japonica larvae (mantle length 3.28±0.5 mm) and two kinds of cuttlefish juveniles (mantle length 9.7±0.3 mm and 30.1±0.5 mm), different feeds were used to evaluate the effect on survival rate, weight gain rate and growth rate. In the present study,live feeds such as Artemia salina, Copepoda, Moina mongolic and their compounds were initial feeding, designating feed A (M. mongolic and Copepoda), feed B(M. mongolic), feed C (M. mongolic and A. salina), feed D (Copepoda and A. salina), feed E (A. salina) and Mysidacea, frozen fish and formulated feed were large specification juvenile, The results showed that feed A in the newly hatched cuttlefish larvae had the highest survival rate (60.5%), followed feed B (33.0%), feed C (26.5%) and feed D (23.5%). The survival rate in the group only feed by A. salina was the minimum, all were died in 14 days. The weight gain rate and growth rate utilizing four feeds combination was 233.0%, 200%, 213.5%, 191.5% and 77.1%, 63.4%, 60.3%, 46.6%, respectively. For large specification juvenile, the best survival rate Was observed in Mysidacea group, but the minimum was in formulated feed group. Between two kinds of cuttlefish juveniles, the survival rate of large specification juvenile was higher than that of small specification, while the weight gain rate and growth rate of large specifica- tion was lower than that of small specification. The maximum of weight gain rate and growth rate were appeared in the frozen fish group, and the minimum was formulated feed group. It was concluded from the results that the feed A was the ideal initial feed for newly hatched larvae. When mantle length of S. japonica larvae was lcm, the more eligible feed was Mysidacea. when the mantle length was more than 3 cm, the feed could be mixed feed (Mysidacea and frozen fish)for gradual transition.
出处 《浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第4期335-339,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 省重大科技专项(农业项目)(2007C1206) 海洋公益性行业科研专项(200905019-5)
关键词 日本乌贼 饵料 生长 成活率 Sepiellajaponica diet growth survival
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