围绕高等学校在培养跨世纪合格人才中 ,大学生在体育方面应具备的能力和素质进行研究。提出将理论课和实践课 (教材、课时、成绩 )按 1:1的比例组织实施的改革设想 ,扭转传统的以重复运动技术传授为中心的旧的教材体系 ,建立以强身育人、传授体育健康知识 ,加强体育意识和体育能力培养 ,形成终身体育思想为中心新的内容体系 ,使学生能自觉地运用在课堂内所掌握的体育知识和健身方法 。
The thesis is about training abilities and qualities which each qualified talent in higher schools should possess during the transcentury. It puts forward a reform idea that is to organize a rate of theory and practice lesson by one to one, change the old teaching system which lessons are around the repeated athletic skills, instead of setting up a new content system which is to train students by strengthening their health, teaching physical healthy knowledge, improving P. E. idea and abilities, forming P. E. idea for life, so that the students can use their grasped P. E. knowledge and physical training method from their lessons to instruct themselves and join the ranks of an entire nation in having physical training.
P. E. lessons in higher schools
Teaching content
Physical exercises
Reform idea