用射频辉光放电法制备了a Si:H样品 ,并对样品进行了光照测试 实验表明 ,样品经过光照后 ,光电流和暗电流逐渐减小 ,在光照初期 ,这种变化很大 ,随着光照时间增加 ,光诱导效应渐趋饱和 ,这种现象是由于强光照产生亚稳缺陷态所引起 讨论了在非晶硅氢薄膜中亚稳光诱导变化的机理 ,并解释了S
The a Si:H film have been prepared by r.f glow discharge and the illumination for the film have proceeded. The experiment results show that photocurrent and dark current decrease gradually after hydrogenated amorphous silicon is illuminated. In the early illumination, the photo and dark currents greatly decreased. Light induced effect saturate gradually with long illuminated time. The mechanism of the metastable light-induced and microscopic procedure of S W effect have been discussed.
Journal of Northwest Minorities University(Natural Science )