
5-羟色胺对大鼠肝细胞DNA合成增强作用的研究 被引量:1

Researches in the Effects of 5-Hydroxytryptamcie on Hepatocy to DNA Synthesis
摘要 目的 :调查诱导或增强肝细胞 DNA合成的因素 .方法 :从成年大鼠肝脏分离肝细胞 ,在含 3H- 胸苷的培养液中培养 .向含或不含表皮生长因子 (EGF)和胰岛素的肝细胞培养加入不同浓度的 5 -羟色胺 (5 - HT)以观察对 DNA合成的影响 ;在部分含5 - HT的培养中加入 5 - HTH2 受体拮抗物酮舍林以检查 H2 受体的参与 .DNA合成以 3H- 胸苷掺入肝细胞 DNA的量用液体闪烁计数法测量 .结果 5 - HT单独不能刺激DNA合成 ,EGF和胰岛素可诱导 DNA合成 .5 - HT显著性地 (P<0 .0 5 )增强了 EGF和胰岛素诱导的 DNA合成 ;其起始有效浓度介于 5× 1 0 - 7~ 1 0 - 6M,浓度为 1 0 - 4 M时达最大效应 .5 - HT增强 DNA合成的作用可被酮舍林显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )地拮抗 .结论 5 - HT能显著性地增强 EGF和胰岛素诱导的成年大鼠原代肝细胞培养的 DNA合成 ;其有效浓度为约等于或大于 1 0 - 6M;该作用是由 5 - HTH2 The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that induce or enhance hepatocyte DNA synthesis. Methods are used to isolate hepatocytes from adult rat liver and are cultured in the medium with[ 3Ⅱ] thymidine.The effect of 5 Hydraxytryptamine 5 HT on DNA synthesis is investigated by adding varing concentrations of 5 HT to the hepatocyte cultures in the presence or absence of epidermal growth factor(EGF) and insulin. The involvement of 5 HT H 2 receptor is examined through adding a H 2 receptor antagonist, ketanserin, to some of the cultures containing 5 HT.DNA synthesis is measured by [ 3H]thymidine incorporation into the hepatocyte DNA with liquid scintillation counting method. Results are that5 HT per se do not result in a significant(P>0 05)increase in DNA synthesis;EGF and insulin cause a significant(P<0 05)induction of DNA synthesis;5 HT significantly(P<0 05)have enhanced the DNA synthesis induced by EGF and insulin. The effect of 5 HT to stimulate DNA synthesis have began at a concentration between 5×10 -7 and 10 -6 M and reached maximum at 10 -4 M. The enhancement of DNA synthesis by serotonin is significantly(P<0 5)antagonized by ketanserin. Conclusion:5 HT can significantly enhance DNA synthesis induced by EGF and insulin in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes. The effective concentration of seretonin to stinulate DNA synthesis is about greater than 10 -6 M.This effect is suggested to be mediated by 5 HT H 2 receptor subype.
出处 《延安大学学报(自然科学版)》 2000年第2期82-85,共4页 Journal of Yan'an University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 DNA 合成 5-HT 肝细胞 5-羟色胺 增强作用 DNA synthesis 5 hydroxytryptamine Hepatocyte H 2rccptor
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