

Analysis on Statistical Range Classification of Power Grid Industry
摘要 分析了电力市场环境下电网产业的功能和产业经济属性,讨论了电力体制改革以后电网产业类别的定性和划分,得出作为服务业和市场流通部门的电网产业应该划入第三产业范围统计的结论。 This paper analyzes the function and economic property of power grid industry under electric power market environment, discusses the nature and classification of power grid industry after the reform of electric power industry, and draws a conclusion that the power grid industry, as a service industry and a market circulating department, should be classified into the statistical range of the service industry.
作者 张志奇
出处 《科技情报开发与经济》 2012年第19期136-138,共3页 Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy
关键词 电网产业 电网功能 第三产业 power grid industry power grid function service industry
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