关系化早就是国际语言学界关注的热点,近年来也逐步成为国内学者讨论的对象,了解国际学术前沿和动态有利于开展行之有效的科研活动。与国内学者相比,国外学者对非母语语料的收集和探讨更为积极和深入,对语言共性的把握更为主动。荷兰学者Mark de Vries的博士论文《关系化句法》一书,是同类作品中较为典型的系统地研究关系化的著作,具有重要的理论意义和参考价值。通过阅读该书,不仅可以了解国际语言学界关系化的研究现状,也能够获得一些全新的研究方法。
Relativization has long been a focus of the international linguistic community, and has become the topic of the inland scholars in recent years. To know the international academic forefront is conducive to carrying out effective research activity. Compared with the domestic scholars, scholars abroad are more active in collecting and exploring non-native language data and more positive in digging the linguistic universals. The Syntax of Relativization written by Netherlands scholar Mark de Vries is a typical work to give a systematic study on relativization, which is of theoretical significance and reference value. We believe that by reading the book, we can not only know the present situation of the study on relativization within the international linguistic community, but also get some new research methods.
relative construction
relative clause
formal features