
中美高校地理学专业课程设置特点比较及启示 被引量:14

The Characteristic of Curriculum of Geography Discipline in the Universities of the United States and its Enlightenment to the Courses Reform in China
摘要 如何优化课程结构一直是我国高校地理科学专业不断探索的问题。本文通过比较美国近十所重点大学和我国5所大学地理专业本科生的课程体系,总结了美国大学地理学专业课程设置具有方向划分相对自由、区域地理和乡土地理特色突出、紧密结合全球变化和突出人文关怀、强调地理技术类课程和重视实践、门数繁多且授课灵活多样等特点。以此为鉴,提出我国高校地理科学课程体系改革和人才培养的若干建议。 How to optimize the structure of curriculum in the geography science discipline has been an issue and continuously explored in universities of China. The paper compares the curriculum system of undergraduate program of geography discipline in about 10 universities of the United States and fives universities in China, and finds there are some common characteristics, which include much freedom in discipline division, much attention to regional geography and local geography, concern about global change and people, emphasis on geographical technology and practice, various courses and flexible teaching ways. At the end, some advice and suggestions about courses reform of geography science discipline in China are put forth.
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 2012年第2期169-176,共8页 World Regional Studies
基金 山东省教学改革项目"高师地理科学类专业人才培养方案改革与实践"
关键词 中美高校 地理学专业 课程设置 启示 universities the United States China geography discipline courses setting enlightenment
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