目的针对连江县新型农村合作医疗(简称新农合)支付方式改革的做法,分析改革对主要利益相关者的影响,为均衡各方利益提出建议及措施。方法分析连江县新农合支付方式改革的方法,并运用利益相关者分析法,对改革中涉及到的主要利益相关者进行分析。结果 改革有利于减轻患者疾病经济负担,卫生服务供方对改革相对抵触,经办机构应该坚定对改革的立场,充分发挥经办机构作为第三方付费者的集体谈判能力。结论供方应该加强质量管理并接受需方的监督,管理方也应加强对供方医疗服务的监督和新农合费用的审核,同时加大对支付方式改革的宣传并开展与支付方式改革相配套的卫生改革。
OBJECTIVES According the ways of NCMS payment reform in Lianjiang to analysis the interests of main stakeholders and make a suggestion to balance the interests of all recommendations.METHODS Analysis the ways of payment reform,and the benefit of main stakeholders.RESULTS reforming helped to lighten the burden of disease but there is an unwillingness of suppliers,management should hold a firm position on reform and play a role in third party negotiation.CONCLUSION Suppliers need to strengthen their quality of managements and accept the supervision of patients;management should also be strengthened to the supervision of hospitals and fee audits,increase the promotion and carrying out the health reform relative to payment reform at the same time.
Chinese Primary Health Care