DNA barcode,又称为DNA条形码,是指利用短的标准DNA序列的核苷酸多样性进行物种的鉴定和快速识别。目前该方法在动物分类研究中应用广泛,其中线粒体的细胞色素c氧化酶亚基1(cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1,COI或cox 1)基因中的约700bp长度的一段被用来作为标准DNA片段。在陆地植物条形码研究中,生命-植物条形码联盟会(Consortium for the Barcode ofLife-Plant Working Group,CBOL-Plant Working Group)近期推荐将植物叶绿体中的两个基因片段rbcL+matK作为初步的陆生植物条形码,此组合能在70%的程度上进行植物物种的鉴别。在海藻的分类研究中,DNA条形码的应用较少,已有的研究主要集中在硅藻、红藻和褐藻,尚没有学者明确提出适合藻类的DNA条形码。总结了能够作为藻类DNA条形码的序列特点、应用流程及分析方法,综述了DNA条形码在藻类中的研究现状和存在的问题,展望了藻类DNA条形码的应用前景。
DNA barcode technology is a method of rapid and accurate species identification and recognition on the utility of the nucleotides diversity of some short and standardized DNA sequences. At present, this method is widely used in the classification of animals, the mitochondria cytochrome oxidase c subunit 1 (COI or cox 1) gene in 700 bp length is being used as a standard DNA fragment. In Plant barcoding study, Consortium for the Barcode of Life-Plant Working Group (CBOL-Plant Working Group) recently recommended rbcL + matK, two gene fragments in chloroplast genome as preliminary potential candidate for plant barcode, with 70% species discriminatory power. Few application of the DNA barcode is reported in the classification of algae, mainly in the red algae and brown algae. A well-characterized algal locus that meets the barcoding criteria is lacking. The DNA sequence of standard and barcoding application process were reviewed, methods and the advantages were analysied, then discusses the current status, problems and application prospect in algae barcode research.
China Biotechnology