目的:在上颌窦外提升术中探讨一种快速、高效的上颌窦底垂直高度增加骨的方法。方法:将需行上颌窦外提升的36例患者,随机分为两组,在上颌窦底外提升术中,实验组采用传统的骨诱导剂(地塞米松、β磷酸钠、维生素C)+人工骨粉填充上颌窦底;对照组采用人工骨粉填充上颌窦底,分别在术后即刻、术后1周、1月、2月、3月、6月拍曲面断层X线片,了解骨生长情况及并发症发生情况,并对X线片测量后作两组患者上颌窦增高值的比较。结果:术后所有患者无并发症发生,影像学检查发现实验组成骨速度明显快于对照组,实验组在3月时基本上即为成熟骨影像资料,对照组在3月时成熟骨基本形成,中间部分有少量低密度影,约占总面积15%,定位影像测量数据显示,实验组术中上颌窦底骨量平均增高11.0333 mm,对照组为10.0444 mm,统计学比较显示有显著差异。结论:采用传统成骨诱导剂+人工骨粉提升上颌窦底的方法,在快速成骨及成骨的有效性方面明显优于单纯的人工骨粉上颌窦底填充法。
Objective:To analyze the clinical effects of maxillary sinus augmentation with the Xenograft Bio-Oss mixed with traditional osteogenic inductors (dexamethrosen, VitamineC, B-GP). Method: The 36 patients whose residnal bone height was 1.5-3.7mm were divided into two groups at random, experiment grous and controlled group. The sinus floors of experiment group were filled with compound material which contained traditional osteogenic inductors and Bio-Sss,those of controfled group were only filled Bio-Oss.in sinus floor elevation operation all patients underwent the chinical check and X-rayplate first week, first month after operations toobserve reformed Bio-Oss and related complications and then maxillary sinus augmentations were measured by Xray plates at same time. The measured values before and after operations were ana- lyzed. Result: The clinical result shew that osteogenic rates in experiment group were siginficant higher that those in con- troUed Stoup (P 〈0.05). The elevated hei.$ht in experiment group was t1.0333 mm.AU case had no infections and other com- plications in half a year. After operations. Conclusion: The osteogenic effect of the compound material in maxillary sinus floor elevation exceeds only Bio-Oss. The method is reliable, the osteogenic inductors are easy and cheap to get..Itworthy to exploiting in implantting. In conclusion, In patients with severce alevolar bone adsorption.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
荆州市政府科研基金资助项目(2007 1PE1-36)
maxillary sinus floor elevalion~ Xemograft Bio-Oss
Osteogenic inductors
Dental implant