当代国际干涉涉及强国与弱国关系的伦理、民族间关系的伦理以及国际干涉的合法性或正义性标准。中国古代主流伦理只在前两个方面有相关的规范 ,那主要是华夏中央王国对周边蛮夷居高临下的“仁慈”。毛泽东一代中国共产党人坚执国家间、民族间一概平等 ,并奠定了以国家主权为核心理念、民族平等为重要内容的中国国际及民族伦理新传统 ,而邓小平掌舵以来国家主权至上和对国际干涉几无保留的否定更为突出。西方现代伦理传统当中虽有国家平等规范 ,但也有强国特权准则 ,并且直到近四、五十年前为止不包含民族普遍平等。关于国际干涉的合法性或正义性标准 ,与西方当今自由国际主义者大不相同 ,西方经典现实主义和经典自由主义者要么反对任何国际干涉 ,要么强调合理正当的干涉有其严格的先决条件。在民族自决权与国家主权的关系 (实为民族间关系问题的一部分 )上面 ,缺乏恰当的中西伦理传统 ,这要求我们创立一套包含五项标准的。
In terms of ethics, contemporary intervention involves three fundamental aspects: ethics concerning the relationship between powerful and weak states, that between or among different ethnic nationalities, and the criterions of legitimacy or justice of international intervention. Only on the former two aspects there were norms in China's ancient mainstream ethics, and they were mainly in terms of“beneficence' bestowed by Hua-xia Middle Kingdom to the peripheral Man Yi or barbarians. The Chinese Communists of Mao's generation insisted on the unconditional equality of states and nations, and established the new international ethical tradition of China with the concept of state sovereignty as its core and equality of nationalities as a major content. Since Deng's leadership, the politico-ethical principle of the supremacy of sovereignty and the almost absolute nagation of intervention can be regarded as becoming more prominent. On the part of the western modern traditions of ethics, there are on the one hand the norm of equality of states, but on the other hand also the rule of great power privileges, and moreover in general no concept of universal equality of rights of ethnic national groups existed until 1960s. On the issue of criterion of the legitimacy or justice of international intervention, contrary to the liberal internationalists today, the western classical realists and classical liberalist either emphasized that there were strict preconditions for reasonableness and justice of intervention, or opposed against intervention what so ever. On the issue of relationship between the right of national self-determination and state sovereinty, which is a major part of the issue of relationship between or among different ethnic nationalities, the lack of any proper ethical traditions of both China and the West makes it necessary for us to develop a set of norms including five criterions characterized by balance, moderation, practicality, and sophistication.
Chinese ethical traditions, Western ethical traditions, international intervention, relationship between states, relationship between ethnic nationalities