
全球性交往、互相依赖和非国家行为体 被引量:19

Global Intercourses, Interdependence and the Non-state Actors
摘要 近几十年来 ,在全球范围和大多数功能领域内 ,国际和跨国交往迅猛发展 ,它们包含的国际和跨国互相依赖空前增长。这个根本性事态的最突出的效应之一 (也是其最突出的成因和动力之一 ) ,就在于非国家行为体急剧增多及其作用显著增大。非国家行为体有较深入的分类方法 ,它们的生成和急剧增多则有广泛和深刻的原因。特别值得分析的是跨国非政府组织在世界政治中的作用 ,而这在很大程度上相当于透视它们的活动机理。大量非国家行为体和所有国家各自在各功能领域的存在和活动 ,连同它们互相间纵横交错、形式繁多的合作、抵触和冲突 ,形成一个远比过去时代更广泛和丰富的世界政治构造 ,即当代全球“复杂聚合体系”。在其中 ,世界政治的基本特征与先前相比 ,有了包括“互相依赖政治”在内的显著变化。 During the last several decades, international and transnational intercourses have been developing dramatically in the most functional fields worldwide, and their interdependence within the intercourses is extraordinarily being enhanced. One of the most prominent effects of this trend is the rapid multiplication and the remarkable strengthening of the importance of the non state actors in the world politics. This kind of actors can be divided into several sub categories using specified classification. We can also identify the far reaching and deep reasons for their emergence and swift proliferation. What worthy of analyzing most are the roles of the transnational non government organization on the world politics. A numerous non state actors and all nations exist and operate in the various functional fields. The cooperation, contradiction and conflicts among non state actors and all nations constitute far more complicated world political patterns than the previous age, this is known as a global “complex conglomerate system'. Since the world politics have undergone remarkable changes, the politics of interdependence become new fundamental characteristics of the world politics as compared with the previous age.
作者 时殷弘
出处 《欧洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第5期1-9,共9页 Europe
关键词 全球性交往 互相依赖 “互相依赖”政治 非国家行为体 全球 “复杂聚合体系” Global Intercourses Interdependence Non State Actors
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  • 1John Lloyd, "Interview : Anthony Giddens,"New Statesman, January 10, 1997, para.11. 被引量:1
  • 2K.J. Holsti, International Politics : A Framework for Analysis, 7^th edition (Englewood Cliff,N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1995), P.9. 被引量:1
  • 3Robert Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Jr.,Power and Interdependence, quoted in Phil Williams,Donald M. Goldstein, and Jay M. Shafritz eds., Classic Readings of International Relations ( Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1994), P.75. 被引量:1
  • 4David Hale, " A Second Chance," The Economist, November 22, 1999, para. 4--6. 被引量:1
  • 5Frederic S. Pearson and J. Martin Rochester, International Relations, 4^th edition (New York:MeGrew-Hill, 1998), P.482. 被引量:1
  • 6David J. Rothkopf, " Cyberpolitik : The Changing Nature of Power in the Information Age,"Journal of International Affairs, March 1998, para.33--34. 被引量:1
  • 7Georg Sorensen, "IR Theory after the Cold War," in Tim Dunne, Michael Cox, and Ken Booth eds., The Eighty Years Crisis: International Relations,1919-1999 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1998), P.93. 被引量:1
  • 8"Measuring Globalization," Foreign Policy,January/February 2001, para. 5, 6, 9,para. 11. 被引量:1
  • 9Christopher Caldwell, "The Crescent and theTricolor," The Atlantic Monthly, November 2000, pp.20, 22. 被引量:1
  • 10Ulrich Beck, " Beyond the Nation State,"New Statesman, December 1999, para, 30. 被引量:1












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