进入 90年代 ,我国长江流域呈现出高速发展的趋势 ,据专家预测 ,至 2 0 10年 ,沿江七省三市的生产总产值占全国的比例将由 90年代的 39%提高到 45 %。目前几乎所有国际大班轮公司都在积极抢占中国的运输市场 ,同时都加大了对中国中西部的运输、特别是国际多式联运的关注。在我国政府的大力支持下 ,长江各港口的建设得到了很大的改善 ,长江上高速客运也得到了迅猛发展 ,高速客运已从 90年代初的零增加到 90多艘 ,1.4万余客座。部分小型急件已由高速客轮承运 ,但用作国际、国内联运的国内船舶的航行速度 (2 0 kn以下 )远低于国际水平 (2 5 kn以上 ) 。
The 1990s saw the rapid economic development in the Yangtsz River region. It is predicted that the percentage of GDP of this region covering three big cities and seven provinces aside the river in the total GDP of the country will be increased from 39% in 1990s to 45% by the year 2010. Today almost all major shipping lines are busy in developing the China market, with particular attention to the shipping in mid and west China and to the intermodalism. With strong support form the central government and various authorities, port reconstructions along this river were considerably improved. High-speed passenger boats service got also a rapid development with number of high-speed boats increased from zero in early 1990s to some 90 boats and over 14000 seats today. Courier service started to use high-speed passenger boats. However, the ships used for intermodalism of even for domestic connected shipping are of slow speed of below 20 knots, which are far below the 25 knot speed operating in the international routes. It became a bottle-neck to the shipping and economic development of this region.
Ship & Boat