
大豆异黄酮代谢终产物——雌马酚的研究进展 被引量:4

Advances in research on equol:a final metabolite of the soy isoflavone
摘要 雌马酚是大豆异黄酮在人体肠道中的最终代谢产物。众多研究表明大豆异黄酮具有广泛的保健价值,在预防心血管疾病、乳腺癌和前列腺癌等方面均发挥重要作用。大豆异黄酮的生物活性在某种程度上归因于雌马酚,并且雌马酚具有较其前体更高的生物学效用。大豆异黄酮在特定的肠道菌作用下降解产生雌马酚,但并非每个人体内都可代谢产生雌马酚。总结了雌马酚在人体中的生理活性,并且综合论述了化学合成制备混合型雌马酚的方法,以及生物合成雌马酚过程中,动物及人体内可降解大豆异黄酮的肠道菌筛选情况。 Equol is the final metabolite of soy isoflavones in the human intestinal gut.Many studies have been shown that the isoflavones have a wide range of nutrition value and play an important role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease,breast and prostate cancer.The biological activities of isoflavones to some extent be attributed to equol,and equol has a higher biological activity than its precursor.Soy isoflavones can be transformed to equol exclusively by intestinal bacteria,and not everyone have this metabolic capacity.This paper overviewed the physiological activity of equol and a chemical synthesis of R-and S-equol,furthermore,about the biosynthesis of equol.We also introduced some intestinal bacteria capable of transforming soy isoflavones to equol.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第19期401-403,408,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 大豆异黄酮 雌马酚 肠道菌 soy isoflavones equol intestinal bacteria
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