
从TME、TSME及CME看结直肠癌规范化外科治疗 被引量:9

Standardization of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer:from TME、to TSME to CME
摘要 治疗效果同治疗方式及理念的规范化密切相关,治疗的规范化带来了治疗效果和预后的改善。从全直肠系膜切除(TME)的理念提出和广泛应用,到肿瘤相关系膜切除(TSME)概念对TME进行完善和补充,直到近年完整结肠系膜切除(CME)理念的提出,胃肠外科医师对规范结直肠癌外科治疗的努力从未停止过。 The standardization of the treatment methods and concepts are closely related to improve the efficacy of treatment and prognosis. From the wide application of TME concept and the improvement and supplement by TSME concepts, to the CME theory in recent years, the gastrointestinal surgeons never stopped the efforts to standardize the colorectal cancer surgical treatment. This paper described the concepts of TME, TSME, CME and explored the importance of standardization of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer.
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期728-730,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 结肠癌 直肠癌 全直肠系膜切除 肿瘤相关系 膜切除:完整结肠系膜切除 colon cancer rectal cancer total mesorectalexcision (TME) tumor specific mesorectal excision (TSME) complete mesocolic excision (CME)
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