

Historical Practice & Modern Value of Scriptural Reasoning between China and the West
摘要 "经文辩读"作为20世纪90年代西方圣经研究学界基于"文本辩读"而新兴的一种理论主张和实践策略,是融汇了犹太诠释传统与现代西方学术方法的跨界实践,旨在通过对犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教等宗教经典的并列研读,倡导跨宗教、跨文化的理解与对话,进而寻求人类共同智慧。伴随着基督宗教入华所导致的"西学东渐"与"汉籍传译",当视为中西之间有效展开"经文辩读"的历史实践。同时,中西之间的"经文辩读"对于当下人文学科的跨文化对话亦具有重要的理论启发与实践价值。 Scriptural Reasoning, as a rising theory and practical strategy based on Textual Reasoning which the research field of the western Holy Bible always employed in 1990s, integrates Jewish herme- neutic traditions with modern western academic approaches. It, by juxtaposing those canons of Juda- ism, Christianity and Islamism, facilitates cross-religious and cross-cultural understandings and dia- logues in order to seek common wisdom of human beings. This method, influenced by Eastward Spread of Western Culture and Translation of Chinese Canon resulting from the entry of Christianity, is regar- ded as an efficient historical practice of Scriptural Reasoning between in China and in the West. Furthermore, this Scriptural Reasoning is endowed with theoretical enlightening and practical value of cross-cultural dialogues in humanities.
作者 管恩森
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期16-22,共7页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家社科基金项目“中西经文辩读与神学诠释:以理雅各、林语堂英译《道德经》为例”(10BZJ014) 山东大学自主创新项目“汉籍传译与经文辩读研究”(2010SHYB003)
关键词 经文辩读 历史实践 现代价值 scriptural reasoning historical practice modern value
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  • 2The LMS Archives, China General, Personal, Box 9. 被引量:1
  • 3Lauren Pfister , The Whole Duty of Man : James Legge and the Scottish Protestant Encounter with China, Peter Lang, German, 2003, pp.5-6. 被引量:1
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