
云计算环境下虚拟机部署策略的优化 被引量:13

Virtual machine deployment optimization in cloud
摘要 针对虚拟机群在云计算平台动态部署过程中现有的部署机制所存在的局限性,提出一种优化的部署模型。首先建立预分块存储的分布式预定制虚拟机全镜像模板库;然后由调度中心依据调度策略选择适当的宿主机,并通过多源并行传输的方式提高部署效率;最后由对应的虚拟机监视器完成实例化任务。实验结果显示,在不同的虚拟机群部署规模下,单台虚拟机的平均部署时间较以往缩短3%~45%。实验结果验证了该模型的有效性。 In order to overcome limitations of deploying virtual cluster in the cloud,this paper designed a optimized deployment model.In the model a distributed full customized VM image library was built in blocks.The VM images were selected,deployed and instantiated according the deployment policy and transmitted from multi-source in parallel,and finally a hypervisor in host completed the process.Experimental results show the single virtual machine’ s average deployment time is less than 3%~45% in different VM cluster deployment scales.The method is effective
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第9期3425-3427,3431,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 山西省科技基础条件平台建设项目(2010091103-0101) 山西省研究生优秀创新项目(201003031) 山西省国际科技合作项目(2009081022)
关键词 云计算 虚拟机群 调度优化 快速部署 cloud computing virtual cluster scheduling optimization rapid deployment
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