
《放射性肿瘤病因判断标准》解读 被引量:9

Explanation of Judgment Criteria for Cause of Radiogenic Neoplasms
摘要 《放射性肿瘤病因判断标准》是《放射性肿瘤诊断标准》的修订版本,主要修改点有两方面:在判断标准上,一是可用于估算病因概率(Pc)的癌症的数量由5种扩大到10种,二是已发生的癌症与辐射相关联的病因判断标准由原标准中的PC≥50%改为取95%可信限上限的PC≥50%;在估算方法上,除了基于超额相对危险外,还增加了基于超额绝对危险来估算PC。这些改进旨在在结合中国国情的基础上,符合国际发展趋势,尽可能保护索赔者的权益。 The revised version of Diagnosis Criteria for Radiogenic Neoplasms (2002) is Judgment Criteria for Cause of Radiogenic Neoplasms (2009). There were two main modifications in the new edition: judgment criteria and estimation method. In respect of the judgment criteria, one was that the kinds of neoplasms which can allowed to estimates the probability of causation (PC) enlarged from 5 to 10, the another was PC ≥ 50% in the 0.95 profile quantiles was instead of PC≥ 50% in the 0.5 one as the judgment criteria. In respect of basic parameters, besides the excess relative risk, the excess absolute risk was added for esti- mation of PC. All of them were aimed to protect the fights and interest of the claimant according to the situa- tion of China and correspond to the international development trend.
出处 《国际放射医学核医学杂志》 2012年第4期210-213,共4页 International Journal of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine
基金 基金项目:卫生部标准研究课题(2006-09--04)
关键词 肿瘤 辐射损伤 职业卫生标准 Neoplasms Radiation injuries Occupational health criteria
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