
组织文化认同内在层次与情绪工作的关联性分析 被引量:3

A Correlation Analysis of the Internal Level of Organizational Culture Identification and Emotional Work
摘要 激发员工情绪工作是企业管理的重点。以服务行业工作人员为研究对象,依据社会认同理论,研究组织文化认同对情绪工作产生影响的机理,基于SPSS的回归分析,实证检验支持了组织文化认同是激发员工情绪工作的重要影响要素,其中组织文化认同的情感层能够有效地控制情绪工作中表层行为,认知层文化认同和行为层文化认同则能激发员工的深层行为,并且行为层认同更能激发员工的深层行为。 Motivating employee' s emotion work is the key of enterprise management. Based on the Social Identity Theory, The study samples focused on employees working in the service industry, and analysed the mechanism of how the organizational cultural identification had impact on emotional work .Through the regression analysis from SPSS,the empirical reseaeh supported that organizational culture identification is an important factor to motivate the work emotion ,and affective cultural identification level can effectively control the surface acting during emotion work, and cognitive cultural identification and behavioral identification levels can effectively motivate deep acting,and behavioral identification has more impact on deep acting.
作者 丁越兰 骆娜
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2012年第4期38-42,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 组织文化认同 情绪工作 深层行为 表层行为 Organizational cultural identification Emotionwork Deep acting Surface acting
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