

Sensor Scheduling Method for LEO Constellation Based on GA-PSO
摘要 针对低轨星座目标跟踪传感器资源调度,基于函数优化和组合优化理论,建立了传感器资源优化调度模型,并设计了基于遗传算法-粒子群优化(GA-PSO)的优化调度算法。仿真结果表明,与现有的构造优化调度算法相比,该算法的性能更优,但运算量有所增加。 To deal with the problem of sensor resources scheduling in the low earth orbit (LEO) constellation, a sensor resources scheduling model was established based on combinatorial-optimizing and functional-optimizing in this paper. A novel sensor scheduling algorithm based on genetic algorithm-particle swarm optimization (GA-PSO) was proposed. The simulation results showed that the performance of this method was better than the existing constructive optimizing method although the calculation was more complex.
出处 《上海航天》 2012年第4期22-26,共5页 Aerospace Shanghai
关键词 传感器调度 优化 多目标跟踪 低轨星座 Sensor scheduling Optimization Multi-target tracking Low earth orbit constellation
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