以柏林重建时的社会状况、学术争论为背景,分析了兰普尼亚尼坚持的新简约主义的建筑风格──简洁、纯净、沉默、 精致、持久、秩序等。在后现代主义和解构主义建筑风行之时,新简约主义无疑是真正满足建筑功能、空间和外观的真 实性以及社会经济、文化要求的可行之路。
This article analyses the style of the New Simplicity. simple. pure. reticent. precise. durable and order, which invented by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, on the background of social situation and academic dicussion of Berlin during its reconstruction. Between the two extremes of the Postmodernism and the Deconstruction, the New Simplicity is Undoutedly a practicle way to underpin the reality of function. space and facade in buildings, and to meet the need of social ecnomy and culture.
Time + Architecture