
明清中国麻风病“污名”的社会建构——东西方现代性语境中的“麻风院模式”再思 被引量:6

The Social Construction of the Leprosy Stigmatize in Early Modern China——Rethink about the Leper Colony Model under the Eastem and Western Modern Context
摘要 麻风病在东西方社会均拥有相当悠久的历史,是公认的危害公共卫生安全的传染性疾病,因此,理性地处置麻风病也就成为东西方社会现代性的象征之一。以中国为代表的东方社会到明清时期,因"秽(精神与肉体双重污秽的形体)、恶(自甘堕落为恶盗、恶徒、恶人的恶丐身份)、淫(纵情贪欲、违礼犯法的麻风男女)"三端,麻风病被中国社会"污名化"为一种"不洁的"、危害社会公德和公共卫生的恶疾;麻风病患者被消极地"徙(迁徙出正常人居住的范围)、禁(禁止入城)、养(隔离于麻风院中)"于官办民助的麻风院,非但缺乏严格的制度规范,而且"养而不教",故以"理性管理"为内核的卫生现代性显然并不清晰。与此对应,以西欧为代表的西方社会自中世纪以降,用"排斥和洁净"两种方式从肉体和精神上对隔离到麻风院的麻风病患者进行了严格的"理性管理",虽然从一定程度上显现出中世纪欧洲在孕育现代性方面的贡献,但其视麻风病患者为"不正常的人"的"污名化"举措,同样是一种"非理性"的表现,并未真正彰显卫生现代性。 The leprosy had a very long history in human society. It was a recognized disease which imperiled the public health safety, and a rational treatment of it had become the symbol of the modernity in the Eastern and Western Societies. In the Eastern, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, due to the double filthy dirty of the mental and physical, the evil beggar and the prostitution, the leprosy was stigmatize as a dirty, endanger public morality and public health' s disease. And the leprosy patients were negative isolated in the government leper colony which was not only lack of strict rules and norms, but also "raising without teaching " The management for "migrating" (migration out normal living range), "banning" (prohibited into the city), and "raising" (isolated from a leprosy hospital) was obviously not rational. In the Western Society, there was a strictly rational management for the leprosy by the double "exclusion and clean" for the mental and physical in the leper hospital which showed the contribution of medieval Europe in the birth of modernity. But it,regarded the leprosy as "abnormal" of the society which also was an "irrational management" and it was not a really health modernity.
作者 周东华
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期148-154,共7页 Academic Monthly
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(10YJC770126) 杭州师范大学国学院专项课题(gx13)的阶段性成果
关键词 麻风院模式 “污名”社会建构 现代性语境 The leper colony model, the stigma, social construction, the context of modernity
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