[目的]全面了解济南铁路局劳动作业场所职业病危害因素分布情况,掌握有害接触职工的健康状况,为开展职业健康监护等提供科学依据。[方法]2010年1月至2011年6月,发放调查表,对济南铁路局管辖内27家铁路单位进行调查。[结果]调查的27家铁路企业有职业病危害作业固定点323个,职业病危害因素主要是粉尘、噪声、高温、电离辐射和有毒物质。调查的30项职业安全卫生管理制度中,25项建有率超过50%。调查的接触职业病危害的6 984名职工中,高血压患病率为20.19%,高血脂罹患率为29.84%,高血糖患病率为6.27%,脂肪肝患病率为32.57%,肝囊肿患病率为6.29%,肝血管瘤患病率为1.78%,肾结石患病率为2.10%,肾囊肿患病率为4.45%,血红蛋白降低率为1.33%,白细胞减少率为0.37%,血小板减少率为0.43%。[结论]铁路单位存在多种职业病危害因素,职业病危害作业监测管理规定措施建有率较低;接触职业病危害的职工的脂肪肝和高血脂患病率较高。
[Objective]To understand the distribution of ocupational hazards in Jinan Railway Bureau working places, master health conditions of workers exposured to occupational hazard factors, so as to provide scientific basis for occupa- tional health care. [Methods]During January, 2010 to June,2011,a questionnaire survey was conducted in 27 units of Jinan Railway Bureau. [Resalts]Jinan Railway Bureau had 323 fixed points of occupational hazards, the occupational hazards were mainly dust, noise, heat, ionizing radiation and toxic substances. In survey of 30 occupational safety and health man- agement systems,25 kinds of system had established more than 500/00. In 6 984 railway workers exposed to occupational hazards, prevalence of hypertension, high cholesterol and hyperglycemia, respectly was 20.19 %, 29.84 % and 6.27 %, the prevalence of fatty liver,liver cyst and hepatic hemangioma,respectly was 32.57 %, 6.29 % and 1.78 %, the prevalence of kidney stones and renal cysts was 2.10% and 4.45% ,the rate of hemoglobin,leukopenia and thrombocytopenia reduction respectly was 1.33% ,0.37% and 0.43%. [Conclusion]There are a variety of occupational hazards in the railway enterpri- ses. The rate of establishment is low for administration measures of occupational hazard exposure surveillance. The preva- lence of fatty liver and hypertension among workers exposed to occupational hazards is higher.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Occupational health
Occupation hazard factors