为保证自动气象站各要素测量值准确性,需要定期进行校准。针对自动气象站的现场校准需要设计了一种手持式校准仪。系统采用ARM处理器及协调器进行硬件设计,使用WIN CE 5.0操作系统,选择C#开发语言在VisualStudio 2005开发环境中完成软件设计。校准仪利用ZigBee技术自动采集标准器及现场气象仪器的读数,并对气象仪器进行校准。该设备的使用可提高工作效率,方便现场校准,具有较好的实用性。
To guarantee the correctness of measurements for each element of the automatic weather stations, meteorologi- cal instruments shoud he calibrated at regular intervals. A hand-held calibrator is designed for the on--site calibration of auto- matic weather stations. The system adopts the ARM processor and coordinator for the hardware design, and uses WIN CE 5.0 as the operating system, and selects C# language under the environment of Visual Studio 2005 to complete the software development. The calibrator collects numerical readings of standard devices and on-site meteorological instruments by using ZigBee technology, and calibrate the meteorological instruments. The usage of this equipment can improve the work efficien cy, and facilitate the on-site calibration, which has better practicabilities.
Modern Electronics Technique