介绍了一种基于S3C2440和WinCE的嵌入式传感测控系统,可以实现对某型导弹、某型战车的各种电量信号的测控;通过在测控系统上安装加速度传感器、温度传感器等微传感器,还可以实现对某型导弹的加速度信号、某型战车的温度信号等非电量信号的测控;通过以太网控制器,可以实现远程测控功能;利用Platform Builder,完成操作系统的定制,利用Embedded Visual C++,完成系统应用程序的开发;本系统把ARM9强大的数据处理能力和WinCE良好的实时性、可靠性、易剪裁的优点结合起来,具有体积小、便于携带、可靠性高等特点。
An embedded measurement and control system with microsensors based on S3C2440 and WinCE is introduced, it can not only measure and control electric signals of some missiles, chariots, with some kinds of mierosensors used in this system, such as aeceleration sensors and temperature sensors, non--electric signals such as acceleration signals of some missiles and temperature signals of some chariots can also be measured and controlled. It can also control remote data by the Ethernet eontroller. The eonfiguration of operating system is completed by Platform Builder, and the development of application is realized by Embedded Visual C+ +, in this system, the powerful data processing of ARM9 is combined with WinCE' s remarkable characteristics, such as Real--time, good reliability, easy to tailor etc. Accordingly the system has the following characteristics: miniature, portable, good reliability.
Computer Measurement &Control