目的了解南宁市狂犬病的流行病学特点,为有效防控狂犬病提供科学依据。方法对2006-2010年南宁市狂犬病疫情进行描述性分析。结果 2006-2010年南宁市共报告狂犬病病例134例,死亡134例。全年均有报告,以4、6、9月报告较多。发病呈散发状态,报告病例前3位的县、区由高到低依次为宾阳县、上林县、横县。其中男91例、女43例,男女之比为2.12∶1;年龄以青壮年为主;职业分布以农民为主,占73.88%(99/134);近5年发病率呈逐年递减趋势。结论南宁市狂犬病疫情近年虽呈下降趋势,但仍是发病较严重的地区,仍需强化犬只等动物的规范管理,防控知识的宣传普及,做好狂犬病暴露后的规范处置工作,以降低狂犬病的发病和病死率。
Objective To understand the epidemiologic features of rabies in Nanning and provide evidences for effective prevention and control the disease. Method Descriptive analysis was used for analyzing the rabies. Results During 2006 to 2010, 134 rabies cases were reported and all were dead. Among them, 91 cases were male and 43 cases were female, the ratio male to female were 2. 12: 1. The cases occurred all the year, the reported cases in Apirl, June and September were more. The cases showed diverging smuts, the highest place was Binyang county, followed by Shanglin county and Heng county. Most of the patients were young a- dults, the main occupation was farmers, it accounted for 73.88% (99/134) . The incidence rate showed down trend. Conclusions In recent years, the incidence rate of rabies in Nanning was decreased, but it was still serious, so we still need to strengthen the animals standard management, enhance the rabies prevention and control knowledge propaganda and popularization, do well the disposal work if exposure and low down in- cidence and fatality rate.
Journal of Medical Pest Control
Epidemic analysis