The puzzle on the definition of knowledge is due to searching for the nature of knowledge, focusing on how to understand the relation between knowledge and value. Virtue epistemology provides a solution to this puzzle by explaining normality in knowledge in terms of morality, and even objectivity of morality in terms of knowledge. However, the problem in this solution is that it is not explanation about how knowledge as a concept of normality relates to human value. The epistemic ideas in traditional Chinese philosophy throw light on this puzzle, according to which the epistemic problems can be solved from the perspectives of virtue. We can understand the very implication of the concept of knowledge only when we see knowledge as our understanding of particular things from virtue and mind. And we can grasp the inner value of knowledge only when we have a general understanding of human minds. In case that we have to give up the definition of knowledge as justified true beliefs, we have to have more contents besides justification and truth. Thus we need to consider the role of value in the formation of knowledge and then the problem of objectivity of value in our cognition. We do not deny the role of the subject in the formation of knowledge, but focus more on that how the subject searches into the objective. Only in such way can we understand the interaction of knowledge and value.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
virtue epistemology virtue and knowledge in traditional Chinese philosophy moral perception objectivityof value