Objective To investigate the clinical, electrophysiological and imaging eharaeterislics of a caseof paraneoplasfie neurological syndrome. Methods Electrophysiological,musele histoehemieal,MRDW and PET-CT were used in a patient with numbness of both lower extremities associated with hmg cancer. Results The clinical features showed progressive numbness in lower extremities,gait alaxia and cognitive impairment. Electrophysiologiealexamination and biopsy of peripheral nerve showed axonal lesions in verves,and the CSF anti-Hu antibody titer was 1 : 10. Almormal signals were found in bilateral thalamus and tlippocampus on both routine cranial MRI and DWI scanning. PET-CT examination on CNS showed abnormal high metabolism signals in cervical spinal cord and lowerthoracic spinalcord and in bilateral temporal lobe,thalamus and hippoeampus. PET-CT examination on the whole body except CNS tissues indicated abnormal image of the left lung, hilum of left lung,mediastinum,lymph nodes within the lung and thyroid gland. So the clinical diagnosis for this palient was lung lymph no(lees metastasis with lung cancerinvolving the PNS of limbic system-the thalamus -the spinal cord-peripheral nerve. Conclusion This is a rare case of paraneoplasstic neurological syndrome with damage to several parts of the nervous system involving limbic encephalitis,peripheral nerve, the spinal cord and thalanms lesion on PET-CT scans, which has not been reported in the lastest literature about paraneoplastic neurological syndrome case. So PET-CT scanning for the whole body of paraneoplaslic net, rologieal syndrome palient in advance is important and necessary.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases