在'日盲段'240~290 nm进行窄波段探测,具有背景干扰小的优势。相比于传统紫外探测器必须协同窄带滤光片工作,AlGaN具有固有窄波段控制和无需制冷两大优点。介绍了基于日盲型AlGaN焦平面器件的紫外相机的软、硬件设计。紫外相机由紫外透射式光学系统,日盲型AlGaN器件,偏置电路及驱动电路,低噪声前放、数据处理及传输单元构成,核心器件AlGaN采用背照式PIN阵列通过铟柱倒焊于硅基电容反馈跨导放大器(CTIA)读出电路的结构。紫外相机的设计指标为:光学口径80 mm,焦距130 mm,像元尺寸50μm,瞬时视场0.4 mrad,总视场3°,积分时间可控,帧率最高可达100帧/s。经初步室内测试,效果良好,对发展日盲型面阵AlGaN应用平台做出了有意义的探索和研究。
To detect and image ultraviolet (UV) emitting objects within the solar blind UV spectral region (240-290 nm) has the unique advantage of low background interference. In contrast to traditional UV detectors, which must be connected to UV blocking filters, detectors based on A1GaN present both an intrinsic spectral selectivity and an extremely low dark current at room temperature. New images from the first successful demonstration of UV camera was reported based on solar-blinded AIGaN 128×128 focal plane arrays (FPA). The UV camera were composed of optical system of UV transmission, low-noise preamplifier, AIGaN FPA device, the bias and driving circuit, data processing unit and transmitting channel. As a core, the hybrid FPA architecture consisted of an 128×128 back-illuminated A1GaN PIN photodiodes array that was bump-mounted to a matching silicon CMOS readout integrated circuit(ROIC) chip. The system parameters of UV camera included aperture stop of 80 mm, focal length of 130 mm, pixel size of 50 μm, instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of 0.4 mrad, total field of view (FOV) of 3°, automatic adjustment of the exposure time but more than 10 ms, the frame rate as high as 100 frame/s. A series of in-door experiments show that solar-blind UV camera works properly and have a satisfyingimage. The solar-blind UV camera has a great significance for exploration and development of solar- blinded UV detection or image application.
Infrared and Laser Engineering