提出了一种以国产64×1可见盲紫外线列探测器为核心的紫外演示成像系统。设计了F=1.8,焦距90 mm的大相对孔径紫外物镜,该物镜采用纯折射结构,通过光学材料的合理组合以及光焦度的巧妙分配较好地解决了紫外光学材料种类少、折射率低带来的像差校正困难和光学系统效率不高的问题。电路系统采用了FPGA为主控元件,USB为通讯接口的图像采集/传输系统,可以灵活配置探测器的工作参数并实现高速的数据通讯。最后针对不同的紫外目标,设计了两种典型的成像实验,实现了64×1紫外线列探测器的成像,通过不同光照条件下所获得图像准确、直观地反映了探测器的成像性能。
The development of solid-state UV detectors in China is still in primary stage and the detectors can not be used widely. A demo imaging system based on 64 xl linear visible-blind UV detectors is developed by SITP (Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics). A special refractive object lens is designed for the UV detectors. The F number is 1,8 and the focal length is 90 ram. The image data acquisition and communication circuitry are based on Ft^A to configure the working parameters of sensors flexibly. The USB interface can supply high-speed data transmission. In the two typical experiments, objects images are successfully acquired.As a result, the main imaging properties of detectors are represented correctly and directly.
Infrared and Laser Engineering