Objective To measure the effects of gamma irradiation on red blood cells(RBC)components and assess the appropriate irradiation time and storage period of irradiated RBC components. Methods RBC components was divided into 6 groups and treated with 25Gy gamma irradiation on day 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after collection (except control). On day 0, 7, i4, 21, 28 and 35 after irradiation,samples were col- lected and measured for 2,3 - DPG, A'FP, K+ , plasma free hemoglobin and RBC brittleness. Results 2,3 - DPG were not affected in irradiation time during the storage period(P〉0.05). ATP levels in day 21 and day 28 irradiation group were lower than the control (P〈0.05). The lowest resistance ability of RBC on day 7, 14, 21 and 28 irradiation groups were lower than the control since day 28, 14, 7 and 7 after irradia-tion respectively (P〈0.05) ; The largest resistance ability of RBC on day 14, 21 and 28 irradiation groups were lower than the control since day 28, 7 and 7 after irradiation respectively (P〈0.05). The free hemo-globin levels on day 21 and 28 irradiation groups were higher than the control (P〈0.05). Free K^+ was in-creased more rapidly in all irradiation groups than the control since day 7 after irradiation (P〈0. 001). Conclusion Storage period of irradiated RBC components are affected by irradiation time after collection. It is recommended that RBC components treated with 25Gy gamma irradiation in 14 days after collection be stored from 14 days to 21 days continuously.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine
Blood irradiation
Irradiated blood
Red cell vitality
Blood storage