分析了100 t船用甲板起重机变幅机构液压系统原理,运用AMESim软件对变幅机构进行了机电液一体化仿真建模,通过与理论计算对比,验证了仿真模型的正确性。在此基础上,分析了变幅液压缸的推力变化和其速度的平顺性,得出了考虑液压系统动态效应后的液压缸最大推力,为验证液压元件选用是否合理提供科学依据。
This paper analyzes the principle of luffing mechanism hydraulic system for the 100 t marine deck crane. The AMESim software is adopted for mechanical-electrical-hydraulic integration simulation modeling of luffing mechanism, in order to verify the correctness of simulation model by comparing with theoretical calculation. Based on this, thrust fluctuation and speed smoothness of the luffing hydraulic cylinder are analyzed and the maximum thrust of hydraulic cylinder, with hydraulic system dynamic effect into consideration, is figured out, to provide scientific basis for checking for the rationality of selected hydraulic components.
Hoisting and Conveying Machinery