1Eugene Emmanuel Viollet le-Duc. The foundations of architecture: Selections from Dictionnaire raisonn e de 1' architecture fran aise du XIe au XVIe siecle [M]. Kenneth D. Whitehead (Translator). New York : George Braziller, Inc., 1990. 被引量:1
2Jukka Jokilehto. A History of Architectural Conservation[M]. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. 被引量:1
3John Gate. Goethe on Art[M]. Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press, 1980 : 103. 被引量:1
4Edited by Nicholas Stanley Price etc. Historical and Philosophical Issues in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage[M]. Los Angeles:the Getty Conservation Institute, 1996. 被引量:1
5The Athens Charter for the Restoration of Historic Monuments[OL]. http://www. icomos, org/athens_charter, html. 被引量:1