There are five main theories on how to widen the objectivity scope of of the res judieata in civil law countries : The first theory is given binding to the reason of adjudicate. This theory widen directly the scope of objectivity of the res judieata, but it confuse the difference between adjudicate body and adjudicate reason, and it will increase the burden on the parties. The second theory is given is- sue preclusion to the reason of adjudicate. It can ' t effectively to prevent duplication of lawsuits and it will put extra pressure on tile parties. Meanwhile, it against the basic spirit the doctrine of debate. The third theory is given the binding to the reason of judgment ac- cording to the principle of good faith. It ' s disadvantages are similar with the theory of the issure preclusion, and the application condi- tions of it are not clearly defined. The fourth theory is extend the objectivity scope of the res judicata substantively through the widening of claim right. It is hard to combine with the traditional theory of res judicata; The fifth theory is extend the scope of objectivity of the res judicata through the introducing of implied intermediate action for confirmation. This theory is easily lead to contradictions between judgments. After Comparison of the above five theories, it is feasible to resolve the problem in china by widen the content of judgment body and written the facts which directly affect the judgment into judgment body.
Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
res judicata
scope of objectivity
reason of ajudicata