针对目前国内生产的地层测试评价仪调速需要通过在地面调节供电电源来完成,自动调节能力差,不能在150℃环境温度下工作,且对控制系统检测不全面等问题,基于单片机dsPIC30F6010A-20E/PF,采用CAN总线技术,研制了海洋测井FET交流电动机测控系统。详细介绍了地层测试评价议三相交流电动机驱动控制系统状态参数的检测和控制方法。加温运行带载试验结果表明,测控系统在高温环境下可24 h连续运行,电动机在空载和带载时能可靠运行,满足设计要求。
Currently the speed regulation of the formation testing evaluation tester(FET) made in China needs to be achieved through regulation of voltage supply on ground.The automatic regulation capacity of the tester is weak.And it cannot work in the environmental temperature of 150 ℃ and the examination of the control system is not complete.On the basis of the dsPIC30F6010A-20E/PF MCU the control system software was programmed adopting the CAN bus technology.The detection and control method of the state parameters for the drive and control system of the FET three-phase AC motor was introduced in detail.The findings show that the detection and control system can run reliably for 24 straight hours in the environment of high temperature with the electric motor unloaded and loaded,satisfying the requirement.
China Petroleum Machinery