目的:探讨深层眶脂肪切除术治疗甲状腺相关眼病的疗效。方法:56例(112只眼)经结膜切口入路,切除肌圆锥内、外的脂肪,达到降低眶压、减少眼球突出度、角膜暴露和改善容貌的目的。结果:切除眶脂肪2.5~4.0 ml,平均3.6 ml,矫正眼球突出度2~4 mm,平均3.2 mm。该治疗不良反应少,不影响视力及眼球运动。结论:深层眶脂肪切除术可以缓解眼球突出和达到美容的效果,对保守治疗无效的甲状腺相关眼病是一种安全、有效,并发证少的治疗手段。
Objective To access the effect of orbital fat removal in treatment of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy(TAO). Method A retrospective study of 56 patients (112 eyes) with TAO underwent orbital fat removal To reduce intraorbital pressure,the ratio of exophthalmos ,corneal exposure and improve their appearance. All of these, patients' extraconal and intraconal fat were resected through conjuncti- va approach. Results Mean excision was 3.6 ml ( range 2. 5 - 4.0 ml) of orbital fat reduced proptosis on an average of 3. 2 mm ( range 2 - 4 mm). There was no significant effect in visual acuity and ocular motility. Conclusion Orbital fat removal can reduce proptosis and im- prove appearance of patients with TAO. It is a safe and effective method to the patients who have no effect by conservative treatment.
Jilin Medical Journal