AIM: To investigate the usefulness of tumor markers and adenosine deaminase in differentiating between tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) and peritoneal carcinoma- tosis (PC). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of data was per- formed on consecutive patients who underwent perito- neoscopic and abdominal computed tomography (CT) evaluations. Among 75 patients at the Seoul National University Hospital from January 2000 to June 2010 who underwent both tests, 27 patients (36.0%) and 25 patients (33.3%) were diagnosed with TBP and PC, re- spectively. Diagnosis was confirmed by peritoneoscopic biopsy. RESULTS: Serum c-reactive protein (7.88:1:6.62 mg/ dL vs 3.12 + 2.69 mg/dL, P = 0.01), ascites adenos- ine deaminase (66.76:1:32.09 IU/L vs 13.89 :l: 8.95 IU/L, P 〈 0.01), ascites lymphocyte proportion (67.77 :1: 23.41% vs 48.36 + 18.78%, P 〈 0.01), and serum- ascites albumin gradient (0.72 + 0.49 g/dL vs 1.05 + 0.50 g/dL, P = 0.03) were significantly different be- tween the two groups. Among tumor markers, serum and ascites carcinoembryonic antigen, serum carbohy- drate antigen 19-9 showed significant difference be- tween two groups. Abdominal CT examinations showed that smooth involvement of the parietal peritoneum was more common in the TBP group (77.8% vs 40.7%) whereas nodular involvement was more common in the PC group (14.8% vs 40.7%, P = 0.04). From receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves ascites adeno- sines deaminase (ADA) showed better discriminative capability than tumor markers. An ADA cut-off level of 21 IU/L was found to yield the best results of differ- ential diagnosis; sensitivity, specificity, positive predic- tive value, and negative predictive value were 92.0%, 85.0%, 88.5% and 89.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Besides clinical and radiologic findings, ascitic fluid ADA measurement is helpful in the differen- tial diagnosis of TBP and PC.
AIM: To investigate the usefulness of tumor markers and adenosine deaminase in differentiating between tuberculous peritonitis (TBP) and peritoneal carcinoma- tosis (PC). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of data was performed on consecutive patients who underwent perito-neoscopic and abdominal computed tomography (CT) evaluations. Among 75 patients at the Seoul National University Hospital from January 2000 to June 2010 who underwent both tests, 27 patients (36.0%) and 25 patients (33.3%) were diagnosed with TBP and PC, respectively. Diagnosis was confirmed by peritoneoscopic biopsy. RESULTS: Serum c-reactive protein (7.88 ± 6.62 mg/ dL vs 3.12 ± 2.69 mg/dL, P = 0.01), ascites adenosine deaminase (66.76 ± 32.09 IU/L vs 13.89 ± 8.95 IU/L, P < 0.01), ascites lymphocyte proportion (67.77 ± 23.41% vs 48.36 ± 18.78%, P < 0.01), and serumascites albumin gradient (0.72 ± 0.49 g/dL vs 1.05 ± 0.50 g/dL, P = 0.03) were significantly different between the two groups. Among tumor markers, serum and ascites carcinoembryonic antigen, serum carbohydrate antigen 19-9 showed significant difference between two groups. Abdominal CT examinations showed that smooth involvement of the parietal peritoneum was more common in the TBP group (77.8% vs 40.7%) whereas nodular involvement was more common in the PC group (14.8% vs 40.7%, P = 0.04). From receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves ascites adenosines deaminase (ADA) showed better discriminative capability than tumor markers. An ADA cut-off level of 21 IU/L was found to yield the best results of differential diagnosis; sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were 92.0%, 85.0%, 88.5% and 89.5%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Besides clinical and radiologic findings, ascitic fluid ADA measurement is helpful in the differential diagnosis of TBP and PC.