目的探讨鲁山县呼吸道感染患者肺炎支原体(MP)感染阳性率及男女、季节和年龄段的关系。方法回顾我院2011年全年在呼吸道门诊及儿科门诊就诊的成人及儿科患者11 004例。用实时荧光PCR技术对MP-DNA进行检测,将筛查人群对性别、年龄和不同季节的阳性检出率进行比较分析。结果 2011年的11 004例患者中共检出MP-DNA阳性2 400例,阳性率21.81%,支原体感染一年四季均可发生,但有季节性差异,冬季发病率最高,夏季最低,男女发病无明显差异,与年龄段关系明显,特别是14岁以上组阳性率为42.50%(51/120),其次为1~3岁儿童感染率为26.47%,0~1岁以下儿童感染率最低为14.28%。结论支原体感染在每个年龄段均可发病,儿童发病有提前的趋势;成人也不可忽视,特别是对于长期不明原因的呼吸道感染患者的检测。
Objective To investigate the Lushan County respiratory tract infections of Mycoplasma pneumoniae(MP) infec- tion positive rate and gender, season and age. Methods A retrospective adult and pediatric patients of our hospital in 2011 year in the outpatient department and pediatric clinic of 11 004 cases. The MP-DNA were detected used real-time PCR technology, the screening population comparative analysis of the positive rate of gender, age, and different seasons. Results In 2011 year, the MP-DNA positive were 2400 cases in 11 004 cases patients,the positive rate was 21.81%,mycoplasma can occur throughout the year, but there were seasonal variations in winter, the highest incidence, the lowest in summer, male and female incidence had significant differences and the age differences were significant, especially people aged 14 and over group the positive rate was 42.50% (51/120),followed by a 3-year-old childrenJs infection rate was 26.47% ,the lowest incidence of children 0-1 years of age was 14.28%. Conclusion Mycoplasma infection incidence in each age group can be ahead of the trend of the incidence of children; adults can not beignored, especially for the detection of long-term unexplained respiratory tract infection patients
China Modern Doctor
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Espiratory tract infection
In real-time fluorescence PCR