
新疆伊犁州小学儿童民族认同调查研究 被引量:1

An Investigation of the National Identification of the Pupils in Ili Prefecture of Xinjiang
摘要 研究采用自编的《小学儿童民族认同问卷》对伊犁州428名小学儿童进行了系统调查。结果发现,小学儿童民族认同的总体表现是积极和肯定的,对中华民族的认同高于对本民族的认同,但这两者呈低度的显著负相关。三至六年级小学儿童本民族认同的发展趋势呈"∨"字型,中华民族认同的发展趋势呈"∧"字型。在本民族认同上,不同民族之间差异不显著;在中华民族认同上,即使是同一少数民族内部,由于不同的语言环境,中华民族认同也存在差异。 This paper investigated 428 pupils in Ili Prefecture, using the self-compiled Pupil National Identification Questionnaire. It found that, on the whole, the result was positive. Their identification with the Chinese nationality was higher than with their own nationality, but the two had a prominent low negative correlation. Pupils from grade 3 to 6 presented a V type trend in their own nationality identification and an inverted V type trend in their Chinese nationality identification. In terms of their own nationality identification, differences existed but were not prominent among the nationalities. In terms of the Chinese nationality identification, differences did exist even among one nationality due to different linguistic environments.
作者 冯晖 刘亚
出处 《新疆大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第2期86-91,共6页 Journal of Xinjiang University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家教育部人文社会科学项目新疆专项资助项目“新疆伊犁州小学民族认同感教育研究”(10XJJYA880001)
关键词 伊犁州 小学生 本民族认同 中华民族认同 Ili prefecture, Pupils, Identification within one nationality, Identification with the chinesenationality
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