The electromagnetic parameters were measured for the mixtures of mechanical milled carbonyl iron powders (CIPs) with different mass ratios of spheroid-like particles to flake-shape particles. The results indicate that mixing the sphere-like CIP particles with flake-shaped CIPs can be used to adjust effectively the electromagnetic parame- ters and enhance the absorption property in high frequency. In addition, a theoretic simulation based on the principle of superposition was carried out and compared with the microwave measurement results, indicating that the simple principle of superpo- sition can not reflect truly the internal interaction mechanism in the composites with different particle shapes.
The electromagnetic parameters were measured for the mixtures of mechanical milled carbonyl iron powders (CIPs) with different mass ratios of spheroid-like particles to flake-shape particles. The results indicate that mixing the sphere-like CIP particles with flake-shaped CIPs can be used to adjust effectively the electromagnetic parame- ters and enhance the absorption property in high frequency. In addition, a theoretic simulation based on the principle of superposition was carried out and compared with the microwave measurement results, indicating that the simple principle of superpo- sition can not reflect truly the internal interaction mechanism in the composites with different particle shapes.
supported by National High Technical Research and Development Program of China(No.2006AA03A209)
New Century Excellent Talents(No.NCET-05-0660)from the Ministry of Education,China Postdoctoral Science Fund(No.20100480886)
University Industry Cooperation project(Guangdong financial education[2011]362)from Guangdong Province and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2011-IV-059)