PPP项目以提高公共产品供给的效率和效能为目标,但在实际操作中却缺乏有效而完善的监控指标,使得公共部门在项目监管中缺少导向和绩效评价的基础与依据,造成了PPP项目的绩效评价缺位和产出不能达到预期目标,制约了PPP模式的发展。以VFM为导向,采用关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicators,KPI)方法,结合大量文献,构建PPP项目的KPI概念模型。以此作为PPP项目潜在的KPI识别平台,48个PPP项目绩效指标被识别出来。通过全球范围内的问卷调查评判了这些指标的相对重要性,调查结果表明全部指标均是重要的(>3.000),其中31个指标是更加重要的绩效指标(>3.500)。问卷调查的结果成为进一步筛选最关键的绩效指标的基础,为公共部门监控PPP项目绩效和产出提供了坚实的理论基础,也为私人部门特别是我国进入国际PPP市场的企业提高自身绩效提供可供参考的重要依据。
The goals of PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) are to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery of public goods. However, the performance evaluation of PPP projects can not be implemented and the expected objectives can not be achieved in real projects because of the absence of effective and thorough monitor indicators, which hinder the development of PPPs. Aiming to help public sectors in PPPs to improve the performance of PPP projects to achieve VFM (Value for Money), a conceptual model of KPIs in PPPs was established by using extensive literature review, through which total 48 Performance Indicators (PIs) were identified. A worldwide questionnaire survey was then eondueted to obtain the relative signifieanees of these PIs. The findings horn survey show that all PIs are important, of which 31 PIs are more important. The findings can be used for future research to identify the most important indicators, to help the public sectors monitor and control the performance of PPP projects. Moreover, the findings provide important evidences for Chinese enterprise to manage the international PPP projects to improve the project performance.
Journal of Industrial Technological Economics