
社会本体论与另类现代性--一条维特根斯坦式的进路 被引量:2

Social Ontology and Alternative Modernity:A Wittgensteinian Approach
摘要 在社会科学中,最重要的问题并不是"到底是个人还是社会结构才是社会生活的本体?",而是"对受历史状况制约的自主个人的活动(实践)过程的考察"。为此必须注意:第一,社会秩序和结构(规则、意义)源自自主个人的实践;第二,决定行动意义、制约个人行动、并构成实践基础的是对规则的解读;第三,在由规则支配的行动中,规则总是被一而再地解读再解读,因此对其意义的理解大有变通的余地。自主个人对规则的解读,是一种反思性的自我引导,实际上是对规则(或者社会结构)的不断重构。中国26年来的改革,就是一个对马克思主义和社会主义不断重新解读的过程。西方的历史,也可以看作是对自由主义不断重新解读的过程。 It is claimed that according to the Wittgensteinian approach to social phenomena,the most important task of social sciences is not to find out which,social structure or individual,is the ultimate ontology of social life,but rather the investigations of the processes of actions and practices of autonomous individuals who,however,are conditioned by historical situation.The claim is based on three observations.(I) Social orders and structures(rules in its most general sense) are originated from the practices of autonomous though historically conditioned individuals.(II) What conditions human action and determines its meaning and thus constitute the foundation of human practices is the interpretation of rules.(III) In any human action guided by rules,the rules are always interpreted and re interpreted time and again,and thus a vast space can be easily detected and exploited by the practitioners for any particular way of interpreting the meaning of the rules involved in any particular occasion.The interpretation of a rule(or a social structure) by autonomous individuals is a reflexive self-guidance,in fact an open-ended process of its reconstitution and reconstruction.Thus China's reform of the past three decades can be viewed as a process of stepwise reinterpretations of Marxism and socialism,and the modern history of the West in the last four hundred years can,likewise,be viewed as a process of step-wise reinterpretations of liberalism.Such a Wittgensteinian understanding of the social ontology,it is also claimed,has opened a vast space for the conceptions of alternative modernity.
出处 《哲学分析》 2012年第3期78-86,199,共9页 Philosophical Analysis
关键词 规则 解读 实践 社会本体 另类现代性 culture practice rule interpretation social ontology social change odernity alternative modernity
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